Social mistake


Hi I posted on here a couple of years ago and it helped so I’m doing it again.


Im at uni now and doing well. I have made a group of friends and they’re lovely. Today we went for a meal (not much planning went into it, hadn’t been there before and it was a loud place - but that’s okay).


So it’s the end of the meal and we are all paying for the bill and I am the last to pay. The waitress hands me the card machine and I go “wait are we giving a tip?”. They all go quiet and look at each other. In hindsight I should have realised at this point but I continued to ask. Because surely if we do we need to add one now here otherwise it will be too late (I assume we don’t have cash because they had to get cash out the other day for something else). Anyway I paid and the waiter left. Then they all turn around at me and start shouting (now they weren’t actually shouting shouting but it was louder than their normal voice and it was unexpected and I didn’t have my headphones on. They start telling me I can’t say that it’s rude and that this is her job and it’s wrong and that I shouldn’t have said that and that if they were the waiter they would have spat in my food. 

I was so confused. It just came from nowhere. Everything was fine a couple of seconds ago. Im now just hiding in the bathroom because I’m just well I actually don’t know what I am right now. 

Can someone tell me their thoughts? Am I being dramatic, are they? They all know I’m autistic but I don’t think they actually know what it means, not really, or what it is like. 

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  • yeah they never do, the employer would likely keep it, and use it to reduce staffing costs. as a bonus for themselves the employer instead. thats how they do it in america i think in hopes that the employer can cover the staffs basic wage by the tips and so not have to dig into their actual revenue to pay the staff with.

    anyway, in the uk we dont tip..... so the restaurants actually already price in any desired tip ontop of the price of the food and service you get... so if you pay a tip in the uk your actually paying it twice as the desired tip is silently been added onto the menu prices lol the menu prices cover food, product and service plus profit for business and any desired tip on top the end result is the total price of the product you pay for, so when you pay a tip in the uk your kinda paying twice.

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