
I got a job but I'm not really happy or glad or excited. More filled with a constant dread that I'll screw it up, get fired, not be able to help the kids... I'm only in the job because one of the teachers knows my Dad so there's a lot of pressure to impress. I know I can do it - thank you masking - but it will be my first ever job and I'm very anxious about it.

It's basically an 8-5 job, maybe less maybe more hours depending. How do you guys get through an entire day? Normally I'm exhausted by lunch and that's literally doing nothing all day other than watching stuff and listening to music.

It's weird because I've wanted a job for ages and I thought it might help my anxiety but it seems to have actually worsened it now lol. I'll be in properly after the three day weekend next week so I've got a lot of preparation to do and hopefully it will all work out.

  • I was given so much to do and ending up having a nervous breakdown.  Ending up going to my GP and wrote a letter saying please give this person lighter loads to do. Totally ignored and got to lie to the GP as they didn't want anyone on sick leave. 

    Now I belong to a woman group where we do different kinds of things. I go to the one like doing. 

  • Aw I'm so sorry! Virtual hugs - that's awful to have happen to you. I'm already on anti anxiety, depression and PTSD medication so I'm hoping all that together will stop any breakdowns happening.

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