Feeling at odds with the world

2 weeks into my new job and I am already back to feeling completely at odds with the modern world

I don't think I need a two hour online seminar to tell me how to sit in a chair correctly at my computer. I have been sitting in chairs my whole life 

I don't think I need a whistle to protect me from terrorists (seriously, have terrorists ever been scared of a whistle?)

I don't like being treated like a pariah or some sort of dissident for not owning a smartphone

I don't understand how NT people, particularly at work, can tell you one thing one minute and the opposite the next minute and then act like it's your fault

Anyway just needed to vent. I feel at odds with the modern world most of my life but when I'm not at work I can shut it out enough so as not to notice it and feel quite peaceful. Going back to work just brings it into sharp focus

Anyone else feel like this?

  • A lot of people have to do this and hate it. It's public sector box ticking. Stuff like this gets my goat but I've learned to "play the game" ie let it go over my head even though I find it incredibly frustrating. I had to do a WFH module when I don't WFH anymore "don't overload your plug sockets and have adequate lighting". They are covering their arses against people's stupidity. But I'm sure you know that! When i joined a new team it was just expected I'd be in the whatsapp (for "Ofsted purposes"). I was glad I don't have a smartphone. I actually would like to switch off from work even if no one else does. I felt a hint of ostracism but didn't care. I bet people who work for themselves read this and glad they dont have to put up with this nonsense. .

    Interestingly,  my autocorrect while typing this changed "joined a new team " to "jinxed". I only worked there a few months.

    Some of your sentiments in posts remind me of me in burnout.

  • I am heartened by how many other people on here seem not to have a smartphone. I feel that I am not alone in this anymore

    They are covering their arses against people's stupidity.

    I think most of the world seems to be doing that these days. I think somehow though that this makes people more stupid. Like for instance we used to have buses with platforms at the back and no doors and everyone was fine but you couldnt do that now cos people would film themselves hanging out the doors and there would be accidents. Somehow the human race has got more stupid. Maybe its because we are treated as stupid by health and saftey culture, maybe it is because of smartphones and social media, Im not sure

    Yes whats app groups are the worst. Complete social rejection if you dont want to be part of one, I know how that feels

    Some of your sentiments in posts remind me of me in burnout

    I feel that I am over the worst of my burnout but yes there is still some of it left there 

  • I take part on here by using a tablet and it does scramble my brain sometimes. I wonder how people go on who are instantly glued to their phones and what it's doung to them. Watch Nathan Barley if you haven't before. It's on ch4 catch up. It'll make you feel better. Also re no smartphone....just "own it". It's your life and you can live it however you want without having to explain to anyone. 

    I'm glad you're over the worst.

  • I take part on here by using a tablet and it does scramble my brain sometimes. I wonder how people go on who are instantly glued to their phones and what it's doung to them. Watch Nathan Barley if you haven't before. It's on ch4 catch up. It'll make you feel better. Also re no smartphone....just "own it". It's your life and you can live it however you want without having to explain to anyone. 

    I'm glad you're over the worst.

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