Feeling at odds with the world

2 weeks into my new job and I am already back to feeling completely at odds with the modern world

I don't think I need a two hour online seminar to tell me how to sit in a chair correctly at my computer. I have been sitting in chairs my whole life 

I don't think I need a whistle to protect me from terrorists (seriously, have terrorists ever been scared of a whistle?)

I don't like being treated like a pariah or some sort of dissident for not owning a smartphone

I don't understand how NT people, particularly at work, can tell you one thing one minute and the opposite the next minute and then act like it's your fault

Anyway just needed to vent. I feel at odds with the modern world most of my life but when I'm not at work I can shut it out enough so as not to notice it and feel quite peaceful. Going back to work just brings it into sharp focus

Anyone else feel like this?

  • I'm so glad I don't have to work, although I'm not sure being physically disabled is any better. I refuse to have a smart phone and would utterly resent being forced to do so. Two hours on how to sit in a chair?!! Even if one were doing it wrong surely five minutes would be more than ample to correct things. A whistle against terrorists sounds about as useful as bear spray. You have my sympathy.

  • I'm so glad I don't have to work, although I'm not sure being physically disabled is any better. I refuse to have a smart phone and would utterly resent being forced to do so. Two hours on how to sit in a chair?!! Even if one were doing it wrong surely five minutes would be more than ample to correct things. A whistle against terrorists sounds about as useful as bear spray. You have my sympathy.

  • Thank you! Its so nice feeling like there are other sane people in the world. I know, right, Im 35 years old, I think I know how to sit in a chair and type. And yes, I cant imagine terrorists running for the hills as soon as they hear a whistle. 

    Im glad you feel the same as me about smartphones. I have been turned down for jobs for not having one before, seems like discrimination to me