Not allowed to grow up

Does anyone else feel that our society doesn't want us to grow up, and take responsibilities?

Most of it is due to a lack of a positive Male Role Model in Kids' lives. Young boys aren't mentored. I know, from having my father killed in the troubles, that I tried too hard to impress adults; only to lack the follow-through after graduation.

But, ultimately, we miss the greatest Male Role Model in our society. Jesus. We thought we didn't need faith, and now kids are growing up with no sense of direction.

  • i think its opposite.... kids are being forced to grow up too fast.

    they are bombarded by sexual stuff early, i witnessed a kid at the end of primary school get pregnant... they are over sexualised, and also seem targeted with drugs and all want to copy degenerate adults and become alcoholics early on.

    i agree they have terrible role models and thats likely to blame for alot of it.

  • Both points are true - coming out as gay in my teens in the 80’s and being raised in Vatican II, I cut all ties and support with and for the gay community 18 years ago and returned to my Catholic faith, but seeing what Vatican II had turned into, I started attending TLM with the SSPX and FSSP, the same traditional Catholic faith as my grandparents generation, who had been totally opposed to Vatican II in 1962 and had correctly predicted what it would lead to in our current times, which was confirmed by what I’d seen for many years within the gay community and on the gay scene

  • Both points are true - coming out as gay in my teens in the 80’s and being raised in Vatican II, I cut all ties and support with and for the gay community 18 years ago and returned to my Catholic faith, but seeing what Vatican II had turned into, I started attending TLM with the SSPX and FSSP, the same traditional Catholic faith as my grandparents generation, who had been totally opposed to Vatican II in 1962 and had correctly predicted what it would lead to in our current times, which was confirmed by what I’d seen for many years within the gay community and on the gay scene

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