Not allowed to grow up

Does anyone else feel that our society doesn't want us to grow up, and take responsibilities?

Most of it is due to a lack of a positive Male Role Model in Kids' lives. Young boys aren't mentored. I know, from having my father killed in the troubles, that I tried too hard to impress adults; only to lack the follow-through after graduation.

But, ultimately, we miss the greatest Male Role Model in our society. Jesus. We thought we didn't need faith, and now kids are growing up with no sense of direction.

  • I’m female and I’m not sure if I relate to that or understand your point correctly, but I remember when I was around 10 years old I had a special interest in architecture. I used to draw floor plans endlessly. Mostly floor plans of flats but also schools and other public buildings. I used ti do it like all my favorite activities, hours everyday, days weeks months etc. but when I told my parents I wanted to be an architect, they laughed me off and said it’s too much responsibility and I’m gonna fail. And it was same when I wanted to try in IT, same with logistics. But I finally rebelled and graduated in logistics with good results which amazed my family who always considered me a goof and weirdo. I think it’s good I didn’t go for IT because spending time in front of a screen is really hard for me. Especially my eyes, pain, sometimes like needles in them. Same with strong lights. 
    so I can say I know how it feels when you get a message, that you are not good enough to take a responsibility. I manage my life independently from my parents and still don’t believe in myself. And their stupid question “why?” Irritates me a lot. I wanna answer “well, you programmed me this way, but I know it would lead to a fight so I just sit quiet and feel angry frustrated and totally misunderstood. I visit them only once a year otherwise I just have some contact with my mom on the phone and that’s it. 

  • This started in the 1960’s with drugs being handed out like smarties and sweets by GP’s who became the salesmen for big pharma 

  • It also means that by reason of an autism diagnosis, a person’s viewpoints on any issue can be invalidated and dismissed as in “know your place” or “be seen but not heard” and I sometimes wonder if that was behind the motivations of those pushing me towards an autism diagnosis in 2019 

  • Both points are true - coming out as gay in my teens in the 80’s and being raised in Vatican II, I cut all ties and support with and for the gay community 18 years ago and returned to my Catholic faith, but seeing what Vatican II had turned into, I started attending TLM with the SSPX and FSSP, the same traditional Catholic faith as my grandparents generation, who had been totally opposed to Vatican II in 1962 and had correctly predicted what it would lead to in our current times, which was confirmed by what I’d seen for many years within the gay community and on the gay scene

  • Globalise the Empire.

    Destroy sovereignty.

    Root out enthusiasm.

    That's the Agenda.

  • Not sure if you are talking about autistic people or just people in general. 

    If you are talking about autistic people, I think society treats us like children even though we are just as capable as them. I have always felt that. Sometimes i want to scream in people's face, I am just as much of an adult as you

    If you are talking about people in general, I think modern society forces young people to be children for far too long, it infantalises adults and refuses to let them take their place in the adult world. The decision to force young people to stay in compulsory education till 18 is one of the worst decisions our country has ever made. Instead of having the option to go out into the world at 16 and make some money and do something with your life, you are forced to wear a uniform and put your hand up to go to the toilet when you are an 18 year old adult. You can vote or get married at 18 yet you can't go to the toilet without a teachers permission. After that you will be pressured to go to university for another 4 years. This is all very well for academic people but for non academic types it is stupifying.

    Tbh I think society treats us all as children these days. We are told what is best for us, what to think, what to say, what medicines to put in our system and how to behave. We are then completely cosseted by health and saftey from ever developing any sort of basic common sense and ability to assess risk. I have to undergo 2 hours training at my new job on how to sit in a chair at a computer (Yes really)

    Its a sad state of affairs

  • Sure. Paedo Scum were probably on meds, which made them hypersexual.

  • it does seem to be the case as my parents were what id call strict but probably was just normal and all the other kids parents weren't parenting properly and allowing their kids to run riot while my parents kept me on a short leash and made sure i didnt go out and disrupt anyones lives and be destructive or get snatched by pedos as they always said theres too many pedophiles out on the streets and that was back in the 90s lol its gone worse now and yet parents still let their kids out unsupervised not knowing where they are or when they will be back.

  • Caused by poor parenting.

  • yeah there is a level of infantalism in the west.... mostly naivity and our society being too soft.

    we have made a irresponsibile society, in which it tries to make kids grow up in certain degenerate areas too fast... while never allowing anyone to grow up in maturity and hardiness to which they can face life and its challenges, or face hardship... if we get into a war our society has lost it before it begins... a fight is always won or lost in preparation before it, and our people have been brought up soft and naive thinking life is like a disney film and we are the good guys and we will always win and have a happy ever after lol we have already lost any future war, we havent even begun to train our people to be strong enough to face any such event. but yet we allowed them to slip into degeneracy at a early age to normalise it and weaken our future generations. everyone is on drugs now, drugs have become normal when once they was a fringe taboo but its been normalised in our children who then grow into adults who have normalised it and then normalise normalising it on kids...

  • I know people who got pregnant young and now single. Then asked me who do I fancy? Both fell pregnant in there 20s. 

    I know people who got kids and split up with their husbands. Happend to celebrities and athletes. 

  • There is that, but overall the trend is to keep young men and women immature, and child-like. Just like in the Far East, Chinese Propaganda champions being childish.

  • i think its opposite.... kids are being forced to grow up too fast.

    they are bombarded by sexual stuff early, i witnessed a kid at the end of primary school get pregnant... they are over sexualised, and also seem targeted with drugs and all want to copy degenerate adults and become alcoholics early on.

    i agree they have terrible role models and thats likely to blame for alot of it.

  • I wish that I wasn't allowed to grow up. As an adult I'm expected to manage a life that I can't manage. At least, as a child, no one expected me to manage, and people forgave my shortcomings. Now, I'm not forgiven, I'm judged instead.

  • My family members was pressuring me to find a job and forced me go to an event. Also volunteering at an unfamiliar place. Told them I'll think about it and got nasty towards me. Tried to explain that found a safe group closer to home where people know me. A relative wanted to do something different for my birthday. Wanted to give some money for me so I can do a walking holiday (tried to give a valid reason why stopped doing this); or a workshop. I know they're trying to plan for my future. Getting the impression that you don't do this to people. 2022 postal strikes and getting phone calls from relatives asking did the card arrived? 

    2023 same relative paid my pension contributions. Very rare opportunity to top up. I get very low. The first port of call was go to your GP. Sometimes feel rejected. 

  • Yes because Society is very worse Autistic people always get discriminated.Also Society need to change there thought so then Autistic people get there responsibility of growing up 

  • The closest woman I had, to a girlfriend, tried to micromanage me; after we remained platonic. She kept going on about 'not wanting anything bad happening' and 'I think the World of ye'. It was my Nan, all over again. The penny dropped when she demanded that I take the COVID Vaccine.

  • Honestly I'd start a coven/emotional support group locally if I had the means, but aside from being sans funds and free time, another issue is being an autist that would require me to be irl social, which I have trouble with lol.