Autistic Sex Reputation (NSFW)

Are autistic people known for being wild in bed and actively sought out by NTs? I saw a post on reddit where an NT said they did that and implied that it's common knowledge that some NTs do that because autistic people have that reputation. Anyone know?

  • Having had a bit of time to think on this, i have to echo some comments that this is an extremely dangerous 'rumour', for autistic women especially.

    The creeps, pervs and guys looking to play out their particular kink will target vulnerable autistic women, who (like me) are terrible judges of character. They will coerce them into 'performing'.  This may happen repeatedly, so it will completely ruin their perception of men and sex.

    Worse that that, if guys think autistic women are just sex toys for perverts, no guy looking for a real relationship will go near them.

    This is terrible all around.  If you want to protect autistic women, any time you are asked if autistic women are kinky ... SAY NO!

  • Well yes it might be disadvantageous for those autistic women who don't want casual sex and might be vulnerable to being manipulated into sex under the premise of a fake relationship.

    However there will also be autistic women out there who quite like the idea of lots of casual sex or lots of kinky sex who I'm assuming would probably welcome this sort of thing.

    Who empowered you to speak for all autistic women?

  • And who empowered you to say im not allowed to express an opinion?

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