Autistic Sex Reputation (NSFW)

Are autistic people known for being wild in bed and actively sought out by NTs? I saw a post on reddit where an NT said they did that and implied that it's common knowledge that some NTs do that because autistic people have that reputation. Anyone know?

  • I'm sure there are plenty of sensory-seeking autistic people who are like that, and good for them! We're all human beings with human needs amd for a lot of people that does include sex, and being autistic doesn't mean that we're naive or we don't know what we want. But I feel really uncomfortable with NT people seeking out autistic people specifically because they think we're all going to be up for anything they ask for. It's creepy.

    I suppose it makes a change from being assumed to always be asexual and aromantic (though I *am* ace myself) but neither extreme is helpful.

  • I'm sure there are plenty of sensory-seeking autistic people who are like that, and good for them! We're all human beings with human needs amd for a lot of people that does include sex, and being autistic doesn't mean that we're naive or we don't know what we want. But I feel really uncomfortable with NT people seeking out autistic people specifically because they think we're all going to be up for anything they ask for. It's creepy.

    I suppose it makes a change from being assumed to always be asexual and aromantic (though I *am* ace myself) but neither extreme is helpful.

  • It’s probably a reason where there was always was a traditional view among those who promoted traditional Catholic social teaching that those who were perceived as having any sort of disability and/or mental health condition/illness should not involve themselves at all in anything relating to sex or sexuality issues, where all sexual contact outside Marraige, only between a man and a woman and only for the purpose of procreation was disapproved of, in line with Catholic social teaching and where some still hold onto these traditional viewpoints today