Bad treatment at work.

I was assaulted and verbally abused at work last week. I contacted my supervisor and communicated I was struggling with Autistic meltdown as a consequence. I was given permission to go home. A supervisor got another staff member to complete my jobs that day.

The supervisor told the other staff member I'd had a nervous breakdown and gone AWOL. This was then passed on to members of the public who are my customers.

I think this is breach of trust, defamatory, and discriminatory use of language about autism. Police informed about the assault. Union informed about the work stuff.

The only reason I discovered this was an abjectly humiliating conversation with a customer on the Monday, who was surprised to see me, as the customer had been informed of my "nervous breakdown / AWOL / incommunicado," and was very concerned for my welfare.

My manager has refused to tell me which supervisor and which other staff member said these things to my customers. Now I'm unable to trust ANY of the supervisors/staff. I have instead received an aggressive email from my manager because I wanted to know who the culprits are.

Reflections on this situation?

  • I was in a similar situation as was bullied and missed treatment. The supervisor had favoritism as asked any spare hours going and told me none. Another colleague asked if there was any spare hours going and said yes. Me and a colleague said that the supervisor had got favoritism co workers. I got blamed for anything. Once there was a bad odour and thought was me, in fact came from the bins. Phoning up co workers saying you're not required. Got the  impression that coworkers saying I was lying to  people about going below contract hours. In the end had to leave and handled my notice badly. Unfortunately 10 days later and 4 months later tried to beg me to return.

    Speak to acas, citizen advice and last resort make a GP appointment. Can you take a day's/week leave? I used to do this. I wanted to stay if things were better organized. "You could write a book. "

    Now trying to rebuild my life by finding a new group. Do different types of things. 

  • Despite the two customers confirming via a written statement and in a phone call from my company HR that they were told Id gone AWOL and had a breakdown, the manager has decided that what the customers said is untrue, because the colleague denies having said it.

    So there we have it. My company allows degrading treatment of ASD staff as it is easier than taking any action regarding discrimination.

  • I am sorry to hear of your situation. Perhaps moving on would be an option?  There's no fun in working somewhere where they do not respect you.  How ever it can be hard to think clearly about what you feel you need to do next.  Don't stay wound up, it won't help you.  Big virtual hugs (if you like that). Good luck.

  • I’m very sorry to hear this. I wasn’t entirely sure if you meant that a staff member or a member of the public verbally assaulted you. I assume the latter, as you’ve talked mainly in terms of the breach of trust and confidentiality, not wanting person X on different shifts etc. I’m not sure I could give better advice than Astrid has done, that all sounds very practical in terms of at least safeguarding against any such bad treatment in future 

  • And please note: anyone would be upset autistic or non-autistic if someone assaulted them. 

    It was a horrible thing to happen to you. 

    union and citizens advice for help.  

  • Hi there, that sounds awful, first port of call would be the citizens advice, you can also go to a solicitor. If you do not earn much money then see if there is a local law clinic, if you ask citizens advice they should pin point you. Do you have a union? if so go to them. 

    It was very wrong what they did to you, so you should get a third party to communicate to them. Law clinics are good, some universities offer them. However, they can be slow as they have lots of work on. 

    as i said start with the citizens advice.