Just for fun! what celebrity would you say you are like?

Is there anyone you get compared to that is a celebrity if so who? 

Me: Rachel Khoo, I have been compared to her, I am not sure if I look like her but just the way I dress and do my makeup. 

Parents Reply Children
  • I’ve never seen it. I deffo don’t and have never looked like him! Not in a million years. It was more I think a suggestion that I had a sort of ‘nice mannerly chap’ sort of vibe. Considerably less so now I imagine! 

  • Hugh Grant ! as in Notting hill. 

    and in one of my fav films Music and Lyrics too. 

  • Just went digging for the ‘The Bill’ guy as I do recall them showing me a picture and he was one of the plain clothes guys from the mid 90s. I’m now certain it was this guy: 

    Andrew Macintosh apparently. My hair would have been like that too and I can see how young me was close enough to that, especially with that self conscious looking stare. 

  • It depends what you mean. Three people in my life (two of them family, one of them a friend) insist that I bear a resemblance to Prince William. On the family side it was my sister who started that, then my mother agreed. My dad and brother have a ‘whatever’ opinion on it, they’re not convinced and I don’t blame them! My friend who said I was like Wills had independently concluded this and brought it up, my sister doesn’t really know him. Confusingly, while they (and my mum, after a prompt) are both insistent about it, literally nobody else has ever made that comparison so it’s most perplexing. There might be the minutest resemblance if one really squints and of course I have his (let’s be generous) ‘hairstyle’. I have some of his air of restrained awkwardness as well I think - cufflink fiddling and the like, an uncertain ‘please don’t think I’m a doofus’ smile etc. 

    Apart from that, I’m not sure I’ve ever been compared to anyone… oh wait, when I was in my twenties some bloke in work said ‘isn’t he like so and so from The Bill’ and two or three people went ‘oh yeah, a bit’. No idea who that was. I had hair then and looked quite different I think. 

    One time in work, about 15 years ago someone, meaning to be nice (but I was inwardly horrified)  said that I had a Hugh Grant demeanour - definitely not meaning my looks, that’s for sure! Thankfully nobody has said it since. At the time he was known for being a sort of foppish ‘oh gosh, oh crikey ’ type, in those cringey Richard Curtis films (apologies to anyone who likes them) and I remember thinking right, I need to change everything about myself immediately if there’s any truth in that! I think the same person said I was a bit Louis Theroux as well (manner wise) which concerned me less but still gave me pause!