Gastro-intestinal Issues (autism)

Hi Everyone,

I have a friend who is autistic and he has had gastro-intestinal issues his whole life, or as far back as he can remember anyway and he is awaiting a colonoscopy. I am also autistic and have had my own issues with this too. I have been reading different studies and scientific research online and have found that there may be a link between autism and bowel problems. I know from personal experience that all the autistic people I have encountered in my life have had a lot of bowel and tummy problems from a young age. I wonder if any of you have had a similar experience or have managed to resolve these issues in your self and what tips you may have to ease this? Hopefully more research is done on autism's connection to gastro-intestinal problems instead of research money going towards trying to invent cures using old drugs like Suramin for example.

Hope everyone has a good week.

  • Hi there Blush  my son is autistic and yes had severe bowel problem when young he nearly died yes I believe there is direct link as it comes up again and again with people who have aspbergers..why I don't know I'm no son had an enlarged and slow bowel he was v ill and basically missed all his schooling .However in adulthood he now can not have bread or rarely and if he does he has to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit etc. I would just make sure you always have fruit around either fresh and or tinned and do not go a day without it and be mindful to drink lots of water..if realy bad try macgrogol it's available if you go doctors as you have aspbergers they should prescribe it its what my son has its a basic bulk type it basically puts water into the stool so it's easier to pass. I know a lot of people will say oh it's basic self care everyone needs to eat fruit etc..but it's more than that I feel there are bowel issues as somewhere neurological that signal isn't getting through right.

  • Hi there Blush  my son is autistic and yes had severe bowel problem when young he nearly died yes I believe there is direct link as it comes up again and again with people who have aspbergers..why I don't know I'm no son had an enlarged and slow bowel he was v ill and basically missed all his schooling .However in adulthood he now can not have bread or rarely and if he does he has to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit etc. I would just make sure you always have fruit around either fresh and or tinned and do not go a day without it and be mindful to drink lots of water..if realy bad try macgrogol it's available if you go doctors as you have aspbergers they should prescribe it its what my son has its a basic bulk type it basically puts water into the stool so it's easier to pass. I know a lot of people will say oh it's basic self care everyone needs to eat fruit etc..but it's more than that I feel there are bowel issues as somewhere neurological that signal isn't getting through right.

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