Spared abilities, peak talent.

In autism there are obviously core-abilities of the neurotypical, that are lacking-or-less in autists, for example social-interaction or cognition or communication. But where these abilities falter others take their place, the ability that is spared is developed, an ability that we peerlessly pursue. If only 1-in-100 of the community exhibit the root-causes of autism, of those 10-100 have a similar environment and less-still develop similarly, we do seem to be (each of us) without match. My point being, that the competition for peak-talent goes out the window, because we are the only ones in need of it.

Social-interaction, specifically attachment, is not something I am good at, which is to say that I don’t have a lot of friends. It is not to say that I cannot get very attached, I just may have a hard time empathising with that person, and by proxy being of use to them. But my trials have ensured-that in me, a person can find a person who is loyal and honest to a fault. A peak ability I would say, because no else attaches in the way that I do, and no one opens themself up to exploitation the way I do..:(

In communication, my lack of joy for declarative communication, has led me to form a bank-of-vocabulary and metaphors and evasive-measures, that makes me an ideal candidate for dealing with the depressed and anxious. I spent years making a special-interest of avoiding all of the negative association, of using words without using the unwritten rules, I’m not saying that no one else can learn this, but who’s got the time..:D

Cognition-wise I will admit that my ability to process information, and elaborate on it, go out out he window on occasion. Sometimes the explicit learning and memory that I have just fails, I have no choice but to freeze and hope that the ‘body-snatchers’ don’t realise I’m not masking, in the place of this I have an implicit sub-cognition that gets me through. I am highly-skilled at two things in this regard: One is following the leader, and two is building a system from which a don’t have to actively think or perceive. I would call this a spared-function that I am peak at, because I can literally walk for a whole day or carry out a task, without actively stepping out of a daydream. I can go all day over-loaded, and phased out, nothing bad happens if no-one calls me to declare myself to them. I would call this a peak-ability.

I am in the process of validating reasonable-adjustment within myself, it is difficult because I am very much in self-deprecation mode, but in considering my strengths, I find good reason to adjust. In considering how diverse my skill set is, there is value in requiring an employer to support me to run my spared-functions at unsiphoned-peak-capacity, what kind of office would it be if autists were properly-channeled? What kind of success could a manager achieve if they only had to review the flow-of-interest, instead of blocking the method of autists, and forcing them to work to the politics of the managers and the colleagues? Just a thought..:)

  • I suppose that on reviewing this twelve months later, not a whole-bunch has changed about my needs and the goals I ought to be considering.  

    The issue I am currently-having is that I may not be in touch with MY strengths, as opposed to the desirable-strengths of NTs; it’s ironic that ‘NT’ just got autocorrected to ‘ants’ lol.

    As it stands now, a year on, I have been saturated with NT counselling and work-search groups. I am constantly being gaslighted into the realm of repairing psychological-distress, constantly being told that my issue is motivational in-nature, constantly having minor-stabs taken at my grand-and-autistic revelations in the past year.

    If this statement and recent-kind comments are to tell me anything, it is to say that I need to remember what works for me, I need to progress-meaningfully back into autistic-community. Autism, I think is a living-condition, it needs to be fed positively and I’ve been starving mine..

    It would seem that I have been living-off the fruits of old-deeds, which is making me sloppy and ungrateful, I need sow some more seeds..Thinking

  • Autism, I think is a living-condition, it needs to be fed positively and I’ve been starving mine.

    I think so (about the autism being a living condition). We are better being ourselves and in receipt of positive affirmation of that self. 

    That being said, we all live in the world, where we're outnumbered by people who probably can't give us that affirmation and often can't empathise with us at all. 

    What it's very easy to do is to lose ourselves in the otherness of others. 

    When kindred spirits are a much better idea. 

    I hope you stick around for a time, DeSpereaux, maybe it'll help.

    It's nice to see you Slight smile

  • Autism, I think is a living-condition, it needs to be fed positively and I’ve been starving mine.

    I think so (about the autism being a living condition). We are better being ourselves and in receipt of positive affirmation of that self. 

    That being said, we all live in the world, where we're outnumbered by people who probably can't give us that affirmation and often can't empathise with us at all. 

    What it's very easy to do is to lose ourselves in the otherness of others. 

    When kindred spirits are a much better idea. 

    I hope you stick around for a time, DeSpereaux, maybe it'll help.

    It's nice to see you Slight smile
