
I was brought up to believe that we are divided socially into classes:

1.  Working class.

2.  Middle class.

3.  Aristocracy.

I also read decades ago that classes were less relevant and were disappearing.

I'm curious as to what others think so here are some questions:

1.  What class were you born into?

2.  What class are you now?

3.  Do you believe in 1 and 2?

4.  ie Do you think class exists?

5.  Do you think you can move class?

Also, without Googlerating, I'd be curious as to how these classes are defined.

I've tended to think of them as not only to do with our financial situation, but also to do with tastes, interests and education.

With regard to me, I was born working class and ?probably? still am.

  • My childhood was definitely working class, my dad was very poor as a child and was determined to not be poor again. He always told us how his sister could make 4 sandwiches from one tomato, My mum always lived in Council Houses and loved her childhood.  Dad worked 18 per day, he never stopped, I was in a caravan as a baby, at 18 months old dad bought a three bedroom house. I never understood why letters arrived at the house with his name and Esq, after his name. I worked out later, it showed he owned property. 
    I am most probably middle / working class. I live in a leafy Shire county, the amount of private schools is massive, the Black Range Rover owners spend more educating two children than I earn. I like people for who they are not what they are worth. I still live, week to week, I’ve never had savings.

    Debbie do you remember the John Cleese sketch with the Two Ronnie’s about the class system.

  • That link looks to be unavailable now, here's another one

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