
I was brought up to believe that we are divided socially into classes:

1.  Working class.

2.  Middle class.

3.  Aristocracy.

I also read decades ago that classes were less relevant and were disappearing.

I'm curious as to what others think so here are some questions:

1.  What class were you born into?

2.  What class are you now?

3.  Do you believe in 1 and 2?

4.  ie Do you think class exists?

5.  Do you think you can move class?

Also, without Googlerating, I'd be curious as to how these classes are defined.

I've tended to think of them as not only to do with our financial situation, but also to do with tastes, interests and education.

With regard to me, I was born working class and ?probably? still am.

  • 1. Working class (but parents now middle class)

    2. Working class (but have middle class tastes, I think mentally I feel middle class but financially I am working class)

    3. Unfortunately yes

    4. Yes. Though I do think it’s based heavily around finance, if you have money you can afford to live better, live in better areas, afford a better education, and likely to mix with other middle class)

    5. Yes I think people can. For me not so much. I’m too old now for my life to change drastically financially.

    But, I wish there were no classes. We’re all human. I hate the way there is such a huge divide. In a perfect world (for me) everyone would have the same piece of land, the same financial situation etc. 

  • Though I do think it’s based heavily around finance, if you have money you can afford to live better, live in better areas, afford a better education, and likely to mix with other middle class)

    There used to be the idea that people who are 'born' into money have real class whereas those who make it don't just work their way up to another class level by having the money.

    The education bit you mention really matters though doesn't it.

    In some ways I think the school you go to defines you and sets a mould for your life ahead (or can do unless you break out of the mould).

  • I was homeschooled so Im not sure where Id fit into that but I agreee, schooling and education has a lot to do with it. Kids who go to Grammar schools always end up acting more middle class even if they are from poorer working class families 

  • I was homeschooled so Im not sure where Id fit into that but I agreee, schooling and education has a lot to do with it. Kids who go to Grammar schools always end up acting more middle class even if they are from poorer working class families 

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