Did anyone's masking unconsciously just stop happening after adult diagnosis?

Hi everyone,

This is my very first post here on the forum!

I was officially diagnosed with autism last Monday, I knew I was, but there was something around to official diagnosis that changed me. 

I have been consciously trying to continue to mask at work, people would normally see me as a bubbly, outgoing, confident individual and I didn't intend to let my work "mask" slip any time soon. However, I find myself being more blunt when answering things, and being more reserved when I would normally be super involved in group meetings. To the point where my colleagues joke about me being quiet "for once" and wondering if something is up.

I actually didn't even know I was doing anything different, I thought I just had nothing to say on the topics being discussed, but I don't really feel ready at all to discuss this with my peers or boss (even if I ever do!)

Just wondering what everyone else's experience is like with this? I have heard a lot about learning to unmask but I just haven't gotten that far yet given it is really new for me.

Thank you

  • Good afternoon Tokyo moon,

    I must keep this brief.....but I urge caution when exploring how you "think" you should now present yourself to others.  Irrespective of how you feel inside, other people generally don't care whether you are autistic or not.  If you suddenly try to "not present" yourself by "unmasking" then people will simply view you as unpredictable and scary.  That is not a good place to find yourself ie treated like a nutter.

    You now have knowledge of your true self.  That is golden and immensely important, but it doesn't mean you should attempt to "bring everyone up to speed" - they don't care - and whilst you experiment with yourself, the last thing you need is everyone treating you differently.

    Congrats on your new knowledge.  Tread lightly with it.

    Kind regards


  • Good afternoon Tokyo moon,

    I must keep this brief.....but I urge caution when exploring how you "think" you should now present yourself to others.  Irrespective of how you feel inside, other people generally don't care whether you are autistic or not.  If you suddenly try to "not present" yourself by "unmasking" then people will simply view you as unpredictable and scary.  That is not a good place to find yourself ie treated like a nutter.

    You now have knowledge of your true self.  That is golden and immensely important, but it doesn't mean you should attempt to "bring everyone up to speed" - they don't care - and whilst you experiment with yourself, the last thing you need is everyone treating you differently.

    Congrats on your new knowledge.  Tread lightly with it.

    Kind regards


  • To be honest, I haven't consciously changed any way that I present to others. I just noticed subtle changes since understanding a bit more about the way I think and prefer things. I very much intend to carry on as usual at work but more so noticed the changes in myself (maybe through mental exhaustion from the past couple weeks) 

    I have only disclosed my diagnosis to 3 people in my personal life, and don't know if I will ever disclose further. This is deeply personal for me and more a journey of self discovery being diagnosed as an adult. :)