Favourite year/s in your life/milestones

Thanks to  for inspiring this thread.

These are my answers to her original question (on another thread).

They can be personal, political/history etc.

Here are some of my personal ones.

1976, whilst still at school, meeting a (still) close friend.

1992, when I started to see a psycho/sexual psychologist.

1992, meeting my other close friend.

2007, starting a relationship with my now husband.

2015, when I was able to give up work.

2022, re my autism diagnosis (and joining this forum).

These are life milestones/turning points.  Different perhaps from the ones we are meant to consider so.

How about yours?

  • 2016:

    Alone in a dingy horrible flat in Edinburgh i created a digital currency of planetary importance. My 6 year bitcoin obsession, driving people around me nuts finally beared fruit. A new form of money born which will be especially meaningful to the LGBTQ+ community and most probably the autistic community also. Not sure what my future involvement will look like but the project is in good hands. 

  • Wow. You co-created bitcoin? Or some variant of it? That’s so impressive! 

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