Rule 4 - Be Nice

So another thread relating to trans rights has been locked under Rule 4 ‘Be Nice’ , but shouldn’t hatred directed at trans people be actually deleted? The thread was going really well with lots of trans, gender fluid and queer people supporting each other, but as usual the cis hets dive in to invalidate us. The mod response is not to target the prejudice but to lock the entire thread! This is wrong. Can we trans and queer and pride people on the spectrum not have a safe space here? I know the mods have a policy of non-deletion but this is wrong, were racist comments being made I’m sure they’d pounce on that pdq, but hate against trans people is unchallenged and left to stand. Apalling of you NAS!

Parents Reply
  • You mean "normal"  because god forbid you should experience being othered twice over like we are, like people like you make make us othered twice over.

    Can I just say at this point how much I truly hate that terminology. Othered, Othering. It suggests to me that there is some sort of virtue or purity in asserting that we are all fundamentally the same in one big amorphous blob of humanity. That our similarities are more important than our differences which are to be swept under the rug. For the record I'm well aware I'm an autistic weirdo. I embrace my weirdness. I embrace my difference I don't need people to pretend I'm not, I need them to stop being afraid of what is different and weird, to stop trying to insist on normality.

    If you look at the world that way normal is really the insult. Normal is tantamount to boring. Beige and cardboard is normal. We need to learn to value people who are different without minimising their difference ... even 'normies.'
