Dislike of dogs

Hi all,

I’ve been a bit hesitant to post this as we seem to live in a society where saying you’re not keen on dogs is viewed on the same level as saying you enjoy burning children’s Christmas presents, but here goes. 

I’ve always been very wary around dogs, and have never understood the growing fascination with owning/taking pictures of/talking about them. It’s not a fear as such - I just don’t really get it and I find them unpredictable. Particularly when their owners have them off the lead, and think shouting “It’s okay - he’s harmless!” as their four-legged friend bounds up to you is a substitute for being in control. This is exacerbated by the fact that I like running, and whenever I’m running towards someone walking a dog off the lead I automatically get anxious because I don’t know if it will keep calm or suddenly bolt and get under my feet as I run past. I even under up slowing down as I approach these situations as it causes me to hesitate!

I always just figured I was a bit miserable, but in the light of my ASD diagnosis I thought I’d put it out there to see if anyone felt similar? I see a lot about autistic people having a love of animals but not too much of the opposite, so I don’t have high hopes!

  • I detest almost all dogs too. This stems from bad childhood interactions including being attacked by one twice, and my nana’s hideous angry nasty Jack Russell. But it’s beyond that too - they smell (as always do their owner’s houses), they drool, and the boy dog’s do disgusting things with their tackle. Then there’s my neighbour’s who have a loud barky Staffie cross thing which winds me up and up and up. Ok part, even a lot of this is down to poor or non existent training by humans but at the end of the day it’s the dog which is the source of noise/smell/aggression. With only one exception I don’t have friends or people in my life with dogs, their choice to have 5hem mine not to have these people. This is just how it is for me and I know others feel different but the question was posed and this is my answer. 

  • I detest almost all dogs too. This stems from bad childhood interactions including being attacked by one twice, and my nana’s hideous angry nasty Jack Russell. But it’s beyond that too - they smell (as always do their owner’s houses), they drool, and the boy dog’s do disgusting things with their tackle. Then there’s my neighbour’s who have a loud barky Staffie cross thing which winds me up and up and up. Ok part, even a lot of this is down to poor or non existent training by humans but at the end of the day it’s the dog which is the source of noise/smell/aggression. With only one exception I don’t have friends or people in my life with dogs, their choice to have 5hem mine not to have these people. This is just how it is for me and I know others feel different but the question was posed and this is my answer. 

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