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Online Community 'reactions' poll

The online community currently uses up/down voting for users to respond to posts and comments. If we are able to change this in future, would you like to keep the current up/down votes or have a different feature? Please vote in our online community poll below.

*Please log in to the online community to vote*

  • Are there going to be other improvements? At the moment it is really hard to find new replies in long threads so some things get missed, even direct replies to my own posts. I just get a notification when there is a new post in a thread, but if there is more than one then it can be hard to find all the posts with a purple line, especially when some bits are randomly hidden. There are other functionality issues but I think this might be the most annoying.

  • Are there going to be other improvements? At the moment it is really hard to find new replies in long threads so some things get missed, even direct replies to my own posts. I just get a notification when there is a new post in a thread, but if there is more than one then it can be hard to find all the posts with a purple line, especially when some bits are randomly hidden. There are other functionality issues but I think this might be the most annoying.

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