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Online Community 'reactions' poll

The online community currently uses up/down voting for users to respond to posts and comments. If we are able to change this in future, would you like to keep the current up/down votes or have a different feature? Please vote in our online community poll below.

*Please log in to the online community to vote*

  • I'm not a fan of the downvote. Specifically because most of us have encountered this most of our life. Downvote/rejection and then radio silence or just ghosted. No help understanding what went wrong with the interaction and that little element - HELP with social matters is what this forum is useful for. 

    Autistics aren't afraid to over explain a thing or articulate a matter. We don't hear this as anything but a kindness. 

    No one is obliged to help or somedays, might not be able to access words very well. Voting up can be a form of "I agree" but voting down is rarely useful. And anyway there are enough social sites to garner votes and approvals if that's what you need :)

    • Totally agree with you on the radio silence/ghosting bit and not being prepared to explain why, but I think that’s a separate issue to the up/down vote thing.
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