Let's Talk About Lists

Lists. I have lists for lists. Even my subcategory lists have subcategories. Yet I never get things done. I have a love/hate relationship with my lists. Creating them makes me feels good, then I feel awful for not ticking things off. The lists are my feeble attempt at stopping my incessant procrastination, but I just ignore them. I once bought a book on how to beat procrastination, which I never got round to reading (no joke). It wouldn't matter if a list was painted in huge letters on a massive sign in my front garden because I'd still ignore it.


  • I love lists. The problem for me is, I'm not always realistic about how many things I can actually get done in a particular amount of time. I'm better at it since realising that I need to break everything down into much smaller list items than neurotypical people do, because the page fills up after about three tasks, but I'm still optimising my list efficiency. Maybe I need a list for that as well!

  • I love lists. The problem for me is, I'm not always realistic about how many things I can actually get done in a particular amount of time. I'm better at it since realising that I need to break everything down into much smaller list items than neurotypical people do, because the page fills up after about three tasks, but I'm still optimising my list efficiency. Maybe I need a list for that as well!

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