How to get an adult ASD assessment

A psychologist suggested I look into ASD but was unable to offer any recommendations how to do so (and in any event I cannot afford to consult him again).  I asked my GP, who said, "You're talking to me on the phone, so you're not autistic."  When I attempted to challenge this, he just said the NHS couldn't help anyone with autism except the most severe cases.

So where do I look to for help?  I have of course found expensive clinics on-line, but I have no way to assess them and cannot afford them in any event.  How do I even get started?

  • I'd say see another GP. I was recently diagnosed but can talk on the phone (I have to as part of my job) but it doesn't mean I don't struggle - especially when I have to deal with customer service and knowing when to talk. I went through right to choose as someone linked above and was referred by GPimhs (I think that is what is called the social prescriber). Good luck with your journey

  • Oh dear, I think I’ve been lucky. Not that the referral is officially in yet but it’s underway. You’ve come to the right place for advice and support. 

  • Sorry. That was poor wording on my part. Right To Choose is an NHS policy which allows you to choose a private provider for your assessment, and the NHS funds it. 

  • Thanks.  I have been trying unsuccessfully for over 18 months to get through to my community mental health team to sort out a medication issue they screwed up.  I can't imagine getting their attention long enough to make an ASD referral.  I can't even get them (or my GP, for that matter) to suggest where I might turn to for help, hence my resorting to this forum.

  • Thanks.  I thought the Right to Choose was an NHS policy.  What do you mean by "go through the NHS or use the Right To Choose process"?

    Also on the subject of Right To Choose, I have also been referred for an ADHD assessment.  I specified the service I chose but was referred to the local instead, and when I queried this to GP, local ADHD service and the Single Point of Access, they all seemed to suggest the assessment came first and then I could choose where to receive treatment.

  • Some good advice here already. I can’t believe that GP! I am being referred by my community mental health team as i’m having counselling through them at the moment which means I should be able to avoid a similar GP conversation. I needed to provide lots of evidence as to why I thought I was autistic to even be put forward for potential assessment. 

  • First of all, I would ask to speak to another GP and insist on a face-to-face appointment. Make a list of reasons why you feel you meet the criteria and take it with you (along with someone else to support you if you can). Hopefully you find someone who can accept the fact that obviously there are autistic people who can use the phone…

    If you get to the referral stage, you can either go through the NHS or use the Right To Choose process and go through another provider. I did the latter and had my assessment with Psychiatry UK - for no other reason than the GP told me it would be much quicker! He wasn’t wrong to be fair - it was less than 6 months from GP to diagnosis for me. 

    The Psychiatry UK website has more information about their Right to Choose process at the link below.

  • Sorry, should have added that I am in central London.