How to get an adult ASD assessment

A psychologist suggested I look into ASD but was unable to offer any recommendations how to do so (and in any event I cannot afford to consult him again).  I asked my GP, who said, "You're talking to me on the phone, so you're not autistic."  When I attempted to challenge this, he just said the NHS couldn't help anyone with autism except the most severe cases.

So where do I look to for help?  I have of course found expensive clinics on-line, but I have no way to assess them and cannot afford them in any event.  How do I even get started?

  • Some good advice here already. I can’t believe that GP! I am being referred by my community mental health team as i’m having counselling through them at the moment which means I should be able to avoid a similar GP conversation. I needed to provide lots of evidence as to why I thought I was autistic to even be put forward for potential assessment. 

  • Thanks.  I have been trying unsuccessfully for over 18 months to get through to my community mental health team to sort out a medication issue they screwed up.  I can't imagine getting their attention long enough to make an ASD referral.  I can't even get them (or my GP, for that matter) to suggest where I might turn to for help, hence my resorting to this forum.

  • Thanks.  I have been trying unsuccessfully for over 18 months to get through to my community mental health team to sort out a medication issue they screwed up.  I can't imagine getting their attention long enough to make an ASD referral.  I can't even get them (or my GP, for that matter) to suggest where I might turn to for help, hence my resorting to this forum.

  • Oh dear, I think I’ve been lucky. Not that the referral is officially in yet but it’s underway. You’ve come to the right place for advice and support.