Interesting fact of the day

I encourage you to reply, but not more than once a day, with a interesting new fact. Let’s stretch this out instead of dumping all the interesting facts out all at once. (Btw feel free to comment on the interesting facts as much and as often as you want)

edit: posting a source for your fact is strongly encouraged.

  • 'Jacques Cazotte was a French author, occultist, and frequent guest at that great institution of 18th-century France: the salon. At one such dinner party in Paris in 1788, he shocked the guests by predicting that King Louis XVI would be executed in the coming revolution, as well as many aristocrats, including some present there that very evening.

    In May 1789, the French Revolution began, and many nobles lost their heads, as Cazotte had predicted. It was a few years later, in January 1793, that his darkest prophecy came to fruition – when King Louis XIV was guillotined in front of a huge crowd in the centre of Paris.'

  • As the highbrow is covered, allow me to redress the balance. The first person ever to use an ATM was Reg Varney from Off the Buses.

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