Old proverbial 'sayings'

My head is a repository of all the old sayings my mum used when I was little and they stuck.

I only ever hear people my age (50+) using these now.

It's a shame if their use disappears completely.

I'd be curious to know whether any of the younger members of the forum know/use these.

Please share any you know.

There is a lot of wisdom in these.

A few that spring to mind immediately.

A stitch in time saves nine.

He who hesitates is lost.

Look before you leap.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Jack of all trades, master of none

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Out of the frying pan, into the fire

Youth is wasted on the young

Kill two birds with one stone.

A bad workman blames his tools

A fool and his money are soon parted

Honesty is the best policy

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Careless talk costs lives

Don't rob Peter to pay Paul

  • Perhaps not so old........but a useful expression for autistic folk......at times.....perhaps.....


    You're welcome.

  • SNAFU   Situation normal all functionally useless.

    Same stable, same horses, fresh straw to clean up every day.

    I can please one person every day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow does not look that good either. ( Seen on a t-shirt)

    More?  I gave you nothing, and still you want more?

    Train a monkey and you get ... a trained monkey

    My advice costs you nothing ; you might get your money's worth

  • SNAFU   Situation normal all functionally useless.

    Same stable, same horses, fresh straw to clean up every day.

    I can please one person every day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow does not look that good either. ( Seen on a t-shirt)

    More?  I gave you nothing, and still you want more?

    Train a monkey and you get ... a trained monkey

    My advice costs you nothing ; you might get your money's worth

  • Call the Vicar ... he's paid to care.

    Stand up and take the weight off your mind.

    That fact check just bounced.

    Finally, after the week when kids just started nursery school ...

    - The parent who was asked if her child was colour blind. He was looking for a purple crayon to colour a carrot. The response - " Oh - we grow traditional vegetables at home. He has only seen purple carrots."

    - What did you have for lunch at school? "White broccoli and custard "  After a few moments the parent realised it was cauliflower cheese. Not a bad description from a four-year-old.

    - The Head called the Prevent team when a child said his big brother was training to be a terrorist. He was at university training to become ... a physiotherapist.

    These are not my stories, I don't know where they came from originally, I just thought they were worth re-telling!