Autistic fatigue?

Hello im new here, my name is Gareth, 41 years old, I was diagnosed in 2020 just before pandemic hit. Fun times. Grinning

Every few months I have been hitting a wall in terms of energy levels, I enjoy working out as part of my routine and when these energy dips happen it can take a few weeks for them to return to normal.

Ive just heard about autistic fatigue and was wondering if anybody else has experience of this in regards to their energy levels?


  • Do bears defecate in the woods?.......well, not every fortnight or so if they are autistic, because they can't find the energy!

    Gareth - ability to function within "reasonable limits" is a constant balancing act;

    I can find superhuman stamina, efficiency and inspiration that can last for hours, days, weeks, and even months.   

    I can be blighted by a black dog of exhaustion, inefficiency and 'zombie mode' that can last for hours, days, weeks, months and (for my mega burnout = years.)

    Be careful with yourself - that it my advice to any autist who hasn't yet experienced/understood just how burnt out some of use can become........and I reckon it tends to hit the ones who generally don't "suffer" so much generally because they have learned to "power-through."

    In my experience, "powering-through" should only ever be used VERY sparingly !

  • I agree to what you have said! (For a change!)

  • So that must mean that (a) Hell is freezing over (b) the moon is falling out of orbit and (c) one of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse is actually riding an inflatable lama ! 

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