Autistic fatigue?

Hello im new here, my name is Gareth, 41 years old, I was diagnosed in 2020 just before pandemic hit. Fun times. Grinning

Every few months I have been hitting a wall in terms of energy levels, I enjoy working out as part of my routine and when these energy dips happen it can take a few weeks for them to return to normal.

Ive just heard about autistic fatigue and was wondering if anybody else has experience of this in regards to their energy levels?


  • Hi Gareth, I'm new too. Diagnosed, but working on that.  I'm learning all the time and the people on here are lovely, supportive and full of advice.  I'm not sure about autistic fatigue, but I hit a wall every evening.  I can be wide awake and with it and within seconds I'm gone, asleep.  My hubby just smiles at me as he is used to it now but I wonder if it's down to making my actions and behaviour.

    I'm sure some one will come along and have a better idea, but just wanted to say hi and share 

  • I'm undiagnosed, should have read before hitting reply button

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