Sensory issues

I have an issue that when I hear music on my headphones,  I get totally drained and worn out to the point of needing to lie down for ages. I can't listen to my punky type of music anymore as it's the lyrics that drain me. I have a lot of sensory problems and getting tired of wearing ear plugs all day to cut out my screaming  children, loud motorbikes, large crowds and people around me talking. Life is a pretty draining experience trying to cut out different sensory challenges that we face. This is some of the things that general population totally don't understand. Also I've got to move soon and am actually distraught and worried abt it, and overwhelmed already thinking about it.

This song from a punk band  lyrics are; this is me this is who I am, this is me I hope you understand I'm doing the best I can. Argy bargy- this is me, the group and song name.

  • I used to listen to music a lot when I was younger. Now it is very rare and if I do I have to focus completely on that. I can no longer tolerate music as background noise.

    My sensory issues seem to be getting worse as I age. I rely on noise cancelling headphones and ear plugs but don't like the sensation of wearing them. They amplify my internal noise and I have to choose which is the most intolerable.

    You're right that people don't understand. They seem to think ear defenders are the solution to everything or that we can just 'get used' to the noise Confounded Life is full of sensory challenges on a daily basis. There is an interesting article here on sensory trauma:

    I hope your move goes well. Life changes are an extremely hard thing for autists to deal with. I want to move but the idea terrifies me so much that I'm stuck. Autistic inertia.

  • I'm finding music more and more of a problem too. I bought an anti-glare film for my laptop which has helped hugely and i've been painting my house darker colours as all the walls were white's so much better now, i don't know how i put up with it before....other things on my mind back then i guess