How many of these 63 autistic traits apply to you?

This was posted recently on the 'Autism From The Inside' channel and I found myself agreeing to so much of it. It's light hearted and worth a watch, far better than any pathological lists of autistic traits.
  1. Always wearing bright colours.
  2. Hating phone calls.
  3. Not realizing you're hungry or thirsty.
  4. Not replying to a text message, but thinking about it for a week until eventually deciding that it's kind of probably too late to reply anyway.
  5. Hating wearing socks or just seams in clothing in general.
  6. Having an atypical sense of humour.
  7. Telling the truth even when you probably shouldn't.
  8. Feeling out of sync with everyone else in your group.
  9. Having an aversion to or an obsession with popular culture.
  10. Over-planning everything.
  11. Not having a strong sense of gender.
  12. Feeling tired all the time for no good reason.
  13. Not liking being told what to do.
  14. Did you teach yourself to read before your first day of school?
  15. Finding comfort in repetition and routine.
  16. Struggling with crowds.
  17. Seeing people as people and kind of forgetting about social class and expectations and all that kind of stuff.
  18. Having super sensitive hearing.
  19. Having a high pain tolerance.
  20. Over apologizing and assuming everything must be your fault.
  21. Not caring what people think.
  22. Being really good at something that is completely useless.
  23. Being deadpan sarcastic all the time.
  24. Preferring face-to-face communication to avoid misunderstanding.
  25. Struggling to find an appropriate gap in group conversation.
  26. Constant background anxiety.
  27. Being overly empathic.
  28. Relating to animals better than you relate to humans.
  29. Avoiding trying new things.
  30. Eating the same food every day.
  31. Finding inappropriate things funny.
  32. Not liking to be touched.
  33. A tendency to notice small details.
  34. Hating fluorescent lights and downlights.
  35. Always wanting to understand why.
  36. Enjoying repetition.
  37. Thinking in pictures.
  38. Having a flat affect, also known as resting *** face.
  39. Preferring to pace up and down instead of sitting still.
  40. Liking to imitate other people.
  41. Having a favourite thing that goes with you everywhere.
  42. Getting excited and interrupting people.
  43. Going over social interactions again and again in your head even after they've happened.
  44. Seeing patterns in everything.
  45. Having a very, very good memory for some things and a terrible memory for other things.
  46. Preferring nonverbal forms of communication.
  47. Hating to brush your teeth.
  48. Having a monotone voice.
  49. Difficulty identifying your emotions because they feel like they're all jumbled together.
  50. Getting overwhelmed by too many tasks at once.
  51. Watching the same movie or TV series over and over again.
  52. Feeling awkward in groups.
  53. Loving to think outside the box.
  54. Having brilliant ideas that no one else seems to be able to understand.
  55. Struggling to read between the lines in complex social situations.
  56. Preferring written communication because you can spend hours and hours perfecting and saying exactly what you want to say, in an attempt to try and avoid miscommunication.
  57. Two-speed productivity. Either super fast, super efficient, or nothing at all.
  58. Compartmentalizing experiences from different parts of your life.
  59. Feeling comfortable being alone.
  60. Being happy with very few material comforts.
  61. Always finishing what you start even when you should probably stop.
  62. Scripting conversations in advance or spending hours thinking about what you could have said even after the moment has passed.
  63. Being the kind of person who people think, how could someone so clever be so stupid?

I have counted 53 which apply to me, including the last one Grin

Feel free to add your score, discuss any of the items or suggest new additions to the list.

  • Thanks for all the responses everyone. Very interesting mix.

    I just want to say to those who have reported lower scores that this isn't supposed to be any sort of scientific or medical test. It wasn't my intention to trigger any kind of imposter syndrome!

    Some of the items can still be considered an autistic trait if you are the complete opposite. For example having a low pain threshold, not thinking in pictures, being less empathetic, etc.

    Always wearing bright colours is a weird one. My holiday clothes are bright, perhaps because that's when I can be myself. However day to day at home I tend to wear the same drab dull colours, nothing to risk drawing attention to myself.

  • OMG I'm only at 29 and struggling to read any further :-(

  • Apply to me: 2 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 16 17 19 25 26 27 28 33 35 37 40 43 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 59 60 62 63

    Score: 31

  • 46 for me, maybe a couple of others too. 

  • I've got one that can say yes and no in two distinct tones, when he remembers!

    We had one once who had spooky mental powers, he could look at you and put the idea into your head to feed him. At first I thought it was only me, finding  myself going from whatever I was doing to feeding him without having conciously thought about it, but one day I watched him doing his thing to my O/H.

    She'd be working away on her computer then he'd sidle up and start looking at her intently. She'd last a second or two then stop working and look up. Every time. It was funny to watch.

    Apparently that what would happen to me too.

  • I counted 37 on this list - had to actually do a tally chart to mark down which ones related to me lol.

    It's a good way of working out what you do and don't like doing though. 

    I liked 28 - as I always talk to more animals then I do people - me and my cat have great conversations as she speaks back lol!

    Mweekie xx

  • 46 for me, but a few more added in from time to time based on context and tiredness I suppose.

    I quite enjoyed reading through this list and will probably check out the channel too.

    Number 43 is my life. I’m trying to curb it a little though as it really impacts sleep.

    Also, I find that my sense of humour could be used in place of ideas in number 54, I think I see links that others tend not to. Therefore what I see as being funny, often doesn’t land in the same way I think it should. I’m often faced with the question ‘Where did that come from?’ But to me, the connection is obvious.

  • As Autonomistic said - this is just a bit of with any online test, always take with a large pinch of salt.  Diagnosing an autistic mind is not a "list based activity"'s more akin to divination!

  • I got about 34. I don't have an exact score as I felt some of the questions weren't entirely clear or easily quantifiable. Most of the ones I did get seemed to be applicable to many allistics (shy people, social phobics, trauma survivors, or just plain introverts).

    This is the kind of thing which makes me worry they're going to come and take away my autism card one day, by which I mean, there's a lot on this list, and elsewhere on this forum, that doesn't fit me at all, even though everyone seems to think "This is autism!" I don't like animals, for example. Actually, I'm mostly scared of them and avoid them, although I do quite like watching them from a distance. I can "pass" pretty well, I'm not obviously routine-bound to an outsider, at least until there's a sudden change of plan, and I don't have sensory super-powers, or any other super-powers. I feel like these kinds of lists are more about making autistics understand and feel good about themselves than actually providing reliable alternative diagnostic guidelines. That's not a bad thing, but I think it's something to be aware of, particularly as I, and presumably people like me, would probably be judged allistic by these criteria. My autism just doesn't manifest in the way this list thinks it "should."

  • 36 for me....but I consider the best question to be the last (No.63) for identifying the late diagnosed "capable in an NT world" operators.  What a truly Golden it!

  • I buy builders socks, Primani and Tesco sell them, no nylon, Seams or labels, I still get given nylon socks for Christmas, I just smile and wave! ( then they are taken to a charity shop, that’s socks not the people)

  • 49 for me. I was unsure about number 58 as I can sometimes, without wanting to, recall memories from my past from as young as 4 but I can’t really say that’s compartmentalising. 

    it’s a very interesting and affirming list of examples. I’ve imitated people so much now that I don’t really have my own identity anymore because I was always embarrassed about being me. I now am starting to not mask and letting people see the true me. Some examples almost brought a tear to my eye as well. 

    Have to say I detest popular culture, the way woman look with their lips done and huge black eyebrows. I know it’s personal preference but it just looks ridiculous to me, thankfully I’m gay so I don’t have to worry but if I were young and straight in this day and age of vanity, I would probably turn to homosexuality. 

    I also dislike materialistic attitudes and those people who go on about winning the lottery just grinds my gears. I said to someone once that if they won, would they help people, they said yes, I asked again would you(?). They came out and said I’d help my family. Sure I’d do the same in a similar predicament but I’d be setting up housing for homeless, as much mental health stations as possible and anyone who really needed the help I would help. I’ve helped someone in the past because they had kids and dogs, they also had emotional problems too and didn’t have a job, their kids were starving so with what little money I had I sent it to them. Whether or not it was a lie I didn’t care. Someone asked for help and I gave it. I would do the same for anyone if I could. 

  • Yeah I watch a lot of the videos from that channel and it definitely feels less weird in that wider context!

  • i cut labels out and socks are always reversed. It weirds me out that the majority are walking around with a seam digging into their toes because ‘that’s how they make them’

  • 44 and 7 that are dependent upon environment 

  • Last thing I want to do is stand out (despite my hero -see my avatar-  not giving a fig about that). So I’m in muted colours always. Blues, greys, blacks. A ‘winter’s pallette’ sort of thing. I also know what colours don’t suit me and anything bright just wouldn’t. 

  • 41. Would have been 42 but strangely there was no ‘low pain threshold’ to match the high one when other opposites were present. 

  • I love that channel too, Blush 53 for me too!