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Here is my pottery.

Some of these jars were apparently dug out of the Thames.

The 3 little pots are for eating snails Scream

  • I don't think that I can bear to look at my beloved film/music collection just yet. It's too messy.

    I'll try something different...

    I don't know what this illustrates about me being autistic - but I am sure that something is in there.

    I've had a lifelong interest in electronics and magnets and thing like that. I should say up front, that my actual understanding of things is very limited. I think that this is because home computers came along in the early 80s and hijacked that interest for itself.

    Anyway, in the last few years I wanted to reignite this interest and, so this is my electronics cabinet. There are all types of components.

    • resistors
    • capacitors
    • diodes
    • transistors
    • Motors
    • LEDs
    • ... and lots of other stuff.

    You can plug these into a powered 'bread board' (white on bottom right) to make your own circuits.

    Despite all this stuff, I have sadly only made a few circuits.

    There is a picture of me on the top right, but I doubt that it breaks any forum rules.

  • I don't know what this illustrates about me being autistic - but I am sure that something is in there.

    Interesting - I don't tend to think of it in that context but of course it's very relevant.

    Lovely picture of you Mark - it's good to know what you look like (mad) Blush

    Does your house tilt to one side or is it just the floor of the room that does?

  • What I see could be autistic, is that I had to get all the type of components and get them bagged up and in their drawers before I did a single project. I've loads of stories like this, but they are probably very dull Joy

    I think the tilt is just the angle - it's on my desk and maybe smaller than it looks. The cabinet is only 20 inches / 51 cm tall. And is all the more fun for it!

  • Does your house tilt to one side or is it just the floor of the room that does?
    I think the tilt is just the angle

    I was jesting but thank you Blush

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