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Here is my pottery.

Some of these jars were apparently dug out of the Thames.

The 3 little pots are for eating snails Scream

  • Excuse the missing spaces and the bear; the former is because I'm reading whatever books used to be there. The latter... well, it just so happened to be there, and I thought it would be silly if I left it in.

    I need to get a proper bookshelf for myself...

  • Wonder is a good book. I had to read it in 6th grade for school and then we watched the movie after. I liked the movie better than the book but I didnt exactly read the whole thing (I was a bit of a terrible student in middle school)

  • Wonder is a good book. I had to read it in 6th grade for school and then we watched the movie after. I liked the movie better than the book but I didnt exactly read the whole thing (I was a bit of a terrible student in middle school)

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