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Here is my pottery.

Some of these jars were apparently dug out of the Thames.

The 3 little pots are for eating snails Scream

  • That is an awesome collection you have there! Quite a lot of history as well by the sounds of it. Do you still collect pottery? My Gran was well in to pottery she used to have lots of jugs and bowls of pottery. 

    I don't collect much really but I do collect old books. The oldest set I have is my Charles Dickens books which I believe are from the 1930s based on the history reading I did of them. This is them, they look old and have that old book smell. I read them still but always wear gloves so they remain protected.

    I've also got The Secret Garden from the 1940s as well as a few first edition Roald Dahl books. I love books and I love to collect them.

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