
I am most comfortable with complete silence.

I wonder if this is the autism at play?

When I was growing up our house was always noisy and I think I was traumatised by it.

There were no quiet refuges - I even shared a bedroom until I left home.

My mum had to have sound on all the time.  I believe she was autistic but I think she had an under sensitivity to noise, which I'm pretty sure I've read can also be an autism thing.

Then I had a series of shared flats, which were noisy, then bedsits until I purchased a quiet flat in my 30s.

Then I lived in a nice Victorian house on my own which still had some noise, as it was on a busy road in Portsmouth and terraced.

Nowadays I am lucky.

The last 15 years I have lived in a very quiet detached house where once the windows are closed there is no outside (or inside often) noise at all.

My husband is a quiet person + spends a lot of time in his studio outside.

It's taken me a long time to get to this quiet place in my life - I am now 61.

How do you respond to noise/silence?

  • Silence for me. Sound can be unbearable, especially when you get constant high pitched sounds all day and night (tinnitus). I love my own space, no sounds, no raised voices, just total and utter silence, except for the tinnitus but it can be quiet at times.

    Silence is golden. Since moving in to my own place, it's a struggle coping by myself but I love the isolation and silence I get from it. At home, there was constant arguing and my dad played his music so loud at times I just cried l, I couldn't get away from it. But now, I've got my own house, my silence that I can escape in when the going gets tough.

    Bliss peaceful tranquility.

  • Hi - I'm interested in tinnitus.....I've been afflicted for about 6 months now (coincided with two pretty major things in my life.)  Do you notice any pattern to your tinnitus?  Did it suddenly start or have you always been afflicted?

  • Hi - I've got mine nearly all the time, most noticable and at its worst when I'm tired and stressed. Mine started during my mental breakdown in 2020, been stuck with it ever since.

    Sorry to hear you have the same. I know how unbearable it can feel, lonely as well. I hope yours isn't too bad at the moment.

  • Keep your chin up, I hope it starts to go the other way soon. Mine can worsen and then some days be really gentle, yours might suddenly be gentler over night.

    Agreed.  I think it is there all the time but I am often (and thankfully) too active to notice because of the masses of other stimuli pouring in through my very large funnel !  It only really bothers me when I am craving silence....and for context to that statement, I built myself a full metal jacket padded cell where I spend much of my time!  Thank you for your well wishes.

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. Stress is a big trigger for tinnitus - really sorry for you. If you need to chat you can always hit me up. I think it was my GP who told me tinnitus can worsen for some people Thinkingover time, I think she said that once. Thinking 

    Keep your chin up, I hope it starts to go the other way soon. Mine can worsen and then some days be really gentle, yours might suddenly be gentler over night.

    I look forward to our next encounter. 

  • Well, I am pretty stressed to high leaven at the moment - so you can guess what it's like.....not good!  But over the past six months I've been more chill than I have been all my life = thats what confuses me about it.

    I had my "breakdown" / "mega burnout" in 2015-16 so not the same underlying instigative cause I guess.

    I look forward to stumbling into you again soon.  Have a lovely Friday.

  • Well, I am pretty stressed to high leaven at the moment - so you can guess what it's like.....not good!  But over the past six months I've been more chill than I have been all my life = thats what confuses me about it.

    I had my "breakdown" / "mega burnout" in 2015-16 so not the same underlying instigative cause I guess.

    I look forward to stumbling into you again soon.  Have a lovely Friday.

  • Keep your chin up, I hope it starts to go the other way soon. Mine can worsen and then some days be really gentle, yours might suddenly be gentler over night.

    Agreed.  I think it is there all the time but I am often (and thankfully) too active to notice because of the masses of other stimuli pouring in through my very large funnel !  It only really bothers me when I am craving silence....and for context to that statement, I built myself a full metal jacket padded cell where I spend much of my time!  Thank you for your well wishes.

  • I'm so sorry to hear that. Stress is a big trigger for tinnitus - really sorry for you. If you need to chat you can always hit me up. I think it was my GP who told me tinnitus can worsen for some people Thinkingover time, I think she said that once. Thinking 

    Keep your chin up, I hope it starts to go the other way soon. Mine can worsen and then some days be really gentle, yours might suddenly be gentler over night.

    I look forward to our next encounter.