The + sign?

Well I’m sorry to start a whole new topic about this and I’ve tried to search for the answer myself…… but, what are the little + signs for at the bottom of a comment? 
Is it to show you agree with a comment or like a comment? 
Thank you. 

  • I appreciate having the opportunity to upvote a reply. However I don't like that it results in them being repeated at the top of the page. I always scroll straight past the top replies when reading a discussion.

    I don't understand social rules about when it is necessary to reply back if someone has taken the time to reply to me. Sometimes I just don't have the words to respond. Therefore it is useful to have the upvote to indicate that I've read and appreciate their reply.

    I upvote other posts too for various reasons. It may be something I agree with, is particularly helpful or I find funny.

  • Same for me.

    I can acknowledge a post without words Blush

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