The + sign?

Well I’m sorry to start a whole new topic about this and I’ve tried to search for the answer myself…… but, what are the little + signs for at the bottom of a comment? 
Is it to show you agree with a comment or like a comment? 
Thank you. 

  • It shows you like and agree with the comment, I think it's called an Upvote here. I would love for a heart symbol as well so we could Heart people's posts, if they're having a bad day like, it doesn't feel right Upvoting a post. Sometimes a heart is all that's needed to show you care and are thinking of them.

  • It shows you like and agree with the comment, I think it's called an Upvote here. I would love for a heart symbol as well so we could Heart people's posts, if they're having a bad day like, it doesn't feel right Upvoting a post. Sometimes a heart is all that's needed to show you care and are thinking of them.

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