New BBC Series, Inside Our Autistic Minds.

New series starting Tuesday night on BBC2 at 9pm.  5 parts and hosted by Chris Packham. 

  • I used to collect for charity at a table that was set up in Waterlooville and sometimes Petersfield.

    Respect for Animals and other animal anti-cruelty organisations.

    I had a chap once right in my face telling me how he sends his dogs down badger (I think it was badger) holes to hunt out the babies.

    Vermin, he said.

    He was vermin and it was all I could do not to hit him.

    It took ages for him to go because he was clearly enjoying telling me about it.

    Quite distressing really but most people were kind and signed petitions and donated.

  • I can't stand people who harm animals and get some kind of sick satisfaction out of it. The way someone treats animals says so much about them as a person to be honest.

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