Forum creative space

I thought it might be nice to share our creativity.

Anything really, photography, art, writing etc etc.

Thanks to Steven for partly inspiring this thread.

Please include a visual description with any images to aid those of us with sight impairment.

Thank you.

I'll start:

  • I did this at the weekend for my Wellbeing Creativity group. It is meant to be a happy memory.

    I have no photos of my childhood family all together. And certainly none at Christmas which was the only time I saw my dad.

    I've diagnosed him in death as autistic. For many reasons including that her wore those same clothes for over 40 years.

    I've used those clothes to represent us both being autistic. I didn't really wear those clothes.

    Because it is a childhood scene I have the excuse of my childish painting methods and skill (I've not painted since school)

  • This is a lovely picture! It made me smile. You've done a really good job of colour and shape balance as well Blush I love balance in pictures, my autistic eyes scan and look for it and feel peaceful if it's there. Thanks for sharing. 

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