Forum creative space

I thought it might be nice to share our creativity.

Anything really, photography, art, writing etc etc.

Thanks to Steven for partly inspiring this thread.

Please include a visual description with any images to aid those of us with sight impairment.

Thank you.

I'll start:

  • Not had any success with images yet so I'll try creative writing. Here is a link to a blog with some of my writing. The selected link is a short story (approx 850 words) based on supernatural tales from my home town. It's in Scots, but I've put a glossary at the end for some of the more unusual words.

    (Edit: for forum security reasons I should probably state that the name associated with the blog is not my given name.)

  • Before I clicked on it, I thought, "this will be easy to read!", because I can read all the Trainspotting books fluently. Apart from 'midden', I didn't know any of those words from the glossary. I know 'midden' from a childhood spent reading "The Broons" and "Oor Wullie". I was pleasantly surprised that I could read it, though and it was fun to read. Thanks for sharing!

  • Before I clicked on it, I thought, "this will be easy to read!", because I can read all the Trainspotting books fluently. Apart from 'midden', I didn't know any of those words from the glossary. I know 'midden' from a childhood spent reading "The Broons" and "Oor Wullie". I was pleasantly surprised that I could read it, though and it was fun to read. Thanks for sharing!
