Forum creative space

I thought it might be nice to share our creativity.

Anything really, photography, art, writing etc etc.

Thanks to Steven for partly inspiring this thread.

Please include a visual description with any images to aid those of us with sight impairment.

Thank you.

I'll start:

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  • thanks. sometimes I add more details  but this time I didnt add as much details for it. Iv been drawing both Pokemon and Harry Potter since I was little which is why im good at drawing people in general aswell but anyone can do it with practice.  alot of times when I draw Harry potter I tend to put a reflection on the glasess so that you can see the glass but I try to make sure people still see the eyes cause that is also an important part. sometimes I draw him wearing a cloak sometimes I dont and I also include him holding a wand and things like that depending on his age for instance in the chamber of secrets he had a sword but more often than not he usualy has a wand so I include him with a wand but cause he doesnt allways take out his wand or hold his wand I dont allways draw him with a wand particulalry if its not his whole body but I do draw the whole body aswell and not just portraits