Forum creative space

I thought it might be nice to share our creativity.

Anything really, photography, art, writing etc etc.

Thanks to Steven for partly inspiring this thread.

Please include a visual description with any images to aid those of us with sight impairment.

Thank you.

I'll start:

  • I tend to draw characters alone or with animal companions of sorts. I hadn't thought about it until recently, but I guess I'm drawing a mix of what I like and how I feel. I like my alone time despite feeling isolated and lonely, I love animals, and the idea of an empty world where I could walk around without anxiety is sooo appealing. 

  • I tend to draw characters alone or with animal companions of sorts. I hadn't thought about it until recently, but I guess I'm drawing a mix of what I like and how I feel. I like my alone time despite feeling isolated and lonely, I love animals, and the idea of an empty world where I could walk around without anxiety is sooo appealing. 
