What does the forum mean to you?

I joined here around 5 months ago.

Since that time it's come to mean different things to me.

I think sharing experiences is invaluable but equally invaluable is the honesty I find here.

It's a place where we can talk about shared experience /our emotions/difficulties in a way that's impossible in the 'real' world - or at least if we speak about it there, it's unlikely to be understood.

It's a place to connect in a world where we often find connecting difficult.

I've received some PMs recently that have made me focus more on how very important this community can be to us as individuals.

Luna RIP called this her 'forum family'.

As a person who doesn't seek friendship (?or thinks she doesn't?), some surprising and valuable friendships have evolved from here for me.

How about you?

  • I just had a thought and considered making a new thread, and then remembered that someone started a suitable one a few months ago, and I could just add to it.

    So I searched, and found it, and lo and behold, it's me that started it!


    So, I had a thought related to 's thread.

    We are a group of people who have probably experienced what being an 'outsider' means, especially in communities such as school, college and employment.

    I don't feel like an outsider here.

    I feel that I am in a place where I fit, which is a very rare experience indeed.

  • It must be quite a severe case of Captivating Thread Making Syndrome you have Debbie.

    Remembering that someone had started a suitable thread a few months, and then realising that this someone was yourself caused me to chuckle. Laughing 

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