What does the forum mean to you?

I joined here around 5 months ago.

Since that time it's come to mean different things to me.

I think sharing experiences is invaluable but equally invaluable is the honesty I find here.

It's a place where we can talk about shared experience /our emotions/difficulties in a way that's impossible in the 'real' world - or at least if we speak about it there, it's unlikely to be understood.

It's a place to connect in a world where we often find connecting difficult.

I've received some PMs recently that have made me focus more on how very important this community can be to us as individuals.

Luna RIP called this her 'forum family'.

As a person who doesn't seek friendship (?or thinks she doesn't?), some surprising and valuable friendships have evolved from here for me.

How about you?

  • What I will add to my earlier post is, I’m finally able to have friendships here without the stress and minefield of trying maintain them.

  • Thats the hardest thing for me, not making friends but maintaining them. It feels like ,in the outside world not on here I mean, when I want peace and quiet people are always pestering me to do stuff or messaging me loads but when I want someone to talk to no one is there. I wonder if anyone else finds this 

  • It’s a hard one to juggle, there’s  a phrase of permanence placement, if I don’t see a friend then I don’t find the need to contact them, it’s very much , if it’s not in front of me, I’m not interested. I don’t know if that sounds strange? There is also a flip side to me that when someone does contact me, they actually just want something from me or of me.  If someone is in front of me, I can tell if they are lying , not so much through their speech but through their body language. I don’t use my hands to gesticulate with, they remain still, I suppose it makes it harder for people to read me, it’s another defence for me. I get what you say when you do want to explain how you feel to someone, I get the, “ just concentrate on the good things.” It makes me scream inside.

  • Beautiful, just beautiful.

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