What does the forum mean to you?

I joined here around 5 months ago.

Since that time it's come to mean different things to me.

I think sharing experiences is invaluable but equally invaluable is the honesty I find here.

It's a place where we can talk about shared experience /our emotions/difficulties in a way that's impossible in the 'real' world - or at least if we speak about it there, it's unlikely to be understood.

It's a place to connect in a world where we often find connecting difficult.

I've received some PMs recently that have made me focus more on how very important this community can be to us as individuals.

Luna RIP called this her 'forum family'.

As a person who doesn't seek friendship (?or thinks she doesn't?), some surprising and valuable friendships have evolved from here for me.

How about you?

  • The purpose of this forum has changed for me also. 

    I originally came here when i got my diagnosis. My aim was to just ask some questions and seek some advice from others in my situation. I didnt expect or intend to feel any sort of 'connection'. 

    I silently surfed for a bit before dipping my toes in so to speak. Over time i found that i would see the same names often, and could almost get a sense of different personalities in the responses. 

    I realised that i was starting to enjoy people here. 

    For me one of the best things is that we all have struggles under a big umbrella. Although no two people are exactly the same, we can all draw on our own experiences to find empathy. 

    I have been accused of being melodramatic my whole life, and to an extent i guess i am. What people here understand that is often not understood by the 'muggles', is that however extreme a persons reaction may be, to them it is very real. Personally i fall down at strong emotions. I always have. I have never yet learned how to cope with them. This has led me to find ways of dealing with them that people here have never lectured or scolded me over. 

    Basically i feel accepted for being me, a rarity to say the least. 

    I mirror the surprising but valuable friendships you speak of. That was never my aim, but here i am caring about people i will probably never meet in the flesh. 

    This community to me represents safety and support, and acceptance. In the real world i am like marmite. Except marmite full of razor blades. Most avoid me like the plague. Here, i find people are warm towards me. 

    Sorry i thing i may have rambled long enough. 

    Have a great day family. 

    Love, love and love. 

  • The purpose of this forum has changed for me also. 

    I originally came here when i got my diagnosis. My aim was to just ask some questions and seek some advice from others in my situation. I didnt expect or intend to feel any sort of 'connection'. 

    I silently surfed for a bit before dipping my toes in so to speak. Over time i found that i would see the same names often, and could almost get a sense of different personalities in the responses. 

    I realised that i was starting to enjoy people here. 

    For me one of the best things is that we all have struggles under a big umbrella. Although no two people are exactly the same, we can all draw on our own experiences to find empathy. 

    I have been accused of being melodramatic my whole life, and to an extent i guess i am. What people here understand that is often not understood by the 'muggles', is that however extreme a persons reaction may be, to them it is very real. Personally i fall down at strong emotions. I always have. I have never yet learned how to cope with them. This has led me to find ways of dealing with them that people here have never lectured or scolded me over. 

    Basically i feel accepted for being me, a rarity to say the least. 

    I mirror the surprising but valuable friendships you speak of. That was never my aim, but here i am caring about people i will probably never meet in the flesh. 

    This community to me represents safety and support, and acceptance. In the real world i am like marmite. Except marmite full of razor blades. Most avoid me like the plague. Here, i find people are warm towards me. 

    Sorry i thing i may have rambled long enough. 

    Have a great day family. 

    Love, love and love. 
