My local autism charity sucks

So I go to a local group that runs events for people with learning disabilities / ASD. I made a point of asking before I joined is this appropriate for high functioning people and was assured yes it was.

they are completely useless. 90% of the events they run are 9-5 Mondays to Friday. Not suitable for people with jobs. Mostly unexciting stuff like ‘trip to the shops / cafe.’ The one function they were started to facilitate, ‘dating’ they no longer do. But today takes the biscuit.

Having organised a weekend treasure hunt around the city centre, no one including the organiser turned up. No notice of cancellation or rearranging the time. Just radio silence. Emailed them, rang the office, nothing.

it wasn’t their fault I struggled to make connection with the mostly low functioning members. I understand the rationale around the event choices and times given their members intrests and availability. But this is just rank unprofessionalism.

  • Having had no post diagnostic later in life support myself and working, I’ve had to dig around online on days off for websites - some of the stuff around is not even appropriate for high functioning Autism (if one is working) and does not even address specific issues - compared to what’s available for anti-bullying there is simply nothing out there for autistic adults with later in life diagnosis, except this chat and this website 

  • Im in the north west too.. There's nothing at all. I found something on meet up for neurodivergent minds but they had never actually planned a meet up. What is it you are after? Like a peer support group? I found one but they arranged everything through Facebook and I'm not on it. It also wasn't exactly what I was after. Is there nothing at the unI you could infiltrate? 

  • Im in the north west too.. There's nothing at all. I found something on meet up for neurodivergent minds but they had never actually planned a meet up. What is it you are after? Like a peer support group? I found one but they arranged everything through Facebook and I'm not on it. It also wasn't exactly what I was after. Is there nothing at the unI you could infiltrate? 

  • Ah well that’s a sticky point. At one point the local uni was excluding all non students from clubs. Now they are allowing non students into clubs but only vetting them on a case by case basis. They even have a note on the application form saying you must inform them if you’ve previously sued the SU. I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact I once sued them for disability discrimination <_<.

    that said there are lots of student unions that won’t let non students join clubs.