No more smartphone

So as of this last week I no longer own a smartphone. I have decided to go fully old school. I have an old LG phone that looks like a Blackberry and just texts and calls with a basic VGA camera and no internet. I have even bought myself an old cassette walkman and I am going to put some of my favourite albums onto cassette so I have something to listen to

I tried all this a few years ago and it helped my mental health so much, made my head so much clearer not having the visual stimulation and endless sensory overload of having the internet in my pocket all day and endless apps and social media sites. After a couple of years I ended up getting a smartphone again, mainly cos of work and the fact that everyone there talked on whats app. Im not at work anymore now though, at least not in an office full of people at least

Might even get a camera and develop photos! 

Feels like everyone is living their whole lives through these little screens in their pockets and I just want to get away from it and feel alive again. Also, society keeps saying its impossible to live without one these days so kinda makes me want to try!

  • I don't even have a laptop, this is a desktop. I use a landline for my phone. I have got a mobile phone but only a very basic one. I didn't want to  get that but felt almost forced into it. So many places ask for your mobile number, they'll not accept a landline, such as various websites i've joined but more importantly banks: doctors: and hospitals. They say it's so that they confirm who you are. Which i don't understand, if they were to phone me here on my landline, the house is here, it never moves, but confirming my identity using a mobile number ...... that could be anyone, anywhere in the country, using a cheap £10 mobile from Tesco and claiming to be me. Then of course because i'm partially sighted, and the buttons on mobiles so small, i struggle.

  • A lot of autistic people are probably addicted to them. I can't see what it's got to do with if you are autistic or allistic!

  • Get yourself a lomo. They are fun. But it's not a cheap hobby. Or even make a DIY pinhole camera. I got some pretty good results 

  • Billy you won't look back.  I got rid of mine in 2019. For whatwver stuff i miss out on its made up for with peace. I don't have whatsapp. I don't have to spend time replying to nonsense pictures or deciding which emoji to use. This forum is the only "socisl media" I use. In those 4 years I haven't missed anything important and have stayed in contact with everyone who matters. If we go anywhere I enjoy the moment and if we want a picture my partner uses his phone. I'm not expected to answer work emails and can reply to personal emails in my own time (isn't there something on whatsapp with ticks so people can see if you have read it but not replied?). Theres often something quite smug in myself when I'm asked to "just download the app" and I say I don't have a smartphone :-) (old school emoticon)

    Remember it's only in the past 20 years or so even smart phones have come in. Not much longer for normal telephones really in the grand scheme of humanity. 

  • Me Too landline I have a vintage repro phone. I also have a basic mobile an orange Nokia. 

    I do some photography too digital. It is really fun and there are lots of meetups of photography groups which is good, as everyone tends to just talk about photography so there is less small talk. 

    I also love to go out by myself and take some photos it is peaceful, and you start to look at the world in a different way. 

  • Yeah! Love this post. 

    I am really good with technology. 

    But find that too much can lead to burnout. So I got rid of my smartphone over two years ago. I have a basic mobile phone and feel less stresses. 

    I also have a landline and have a repro vintage style phone. Love Love Love it. 

    Landlines are important if there are blackouts. 

    It is about us being in charge of technology not it in charge of us. 

    Great post btw

  • It is a simpler way of life. I'm trying to give up using my phone as it can be demanding of my time and I feel I get little back from using it. 

  • I'm 'old school' and have a landline. I do have a basic mobile phone (no bells and whistles) that gets used once in a blue moon, as I don't want to be THAT person with a mobile phone welded to their hand almost 24/7. Therefore, I congratulate you on the decision you have made.

    By the way, if you do end up getting a camera, I would recommend starting with a Bridge Camera. They are halfway between a basic point-and-shoot camera and a professional camera.

  • Teens today are missing out on so much. Im thinking of getting like an old digital camera and then sending off for the photos 

  • The tyrrany of sprawling choice has too many people in its unhappy grip

    This is so true! Such a good way of putting it. Its like when all this stuff was invented people were like great we can have whatever we want whenever we want it but in reality it is just the ultimate sensory overload. The human brain never gets to rest anymore because it is constantly being bombarded with endless choices and options.
    Last night instead of watching Netflix on my telly I watched a DVD and I felt so much calmer cos I knew I had to concentrate on that one thing and I couldnt just grab the remote and flick through loads of shows and movies 

  • Love the idea of an old camera. I bought my neice a Polaroid for her birthday as teens now don’t get instant tangible keepsakes of friends etc. any more. She was rather taken with it. 

  • That does sound restful. Reduced ambient complexity is so helpful if you can find space for it in life. I loved my CD walkman until it broke. And I refuse to have anything other than freeview on my telly. The tyrrany of sprawling choice has too many people in its unhappy grip.