Cheese or Chocolate?

TBH I like them both. 

  • It's not fair!!! I'm dairy intolerant and can't eat cheese anymore, I love cheese, a cheese and pickle sarnie or a baguette with brie, an oozing toastie, and a cheese board, a cheese shop with so many varieties it makes your eyes pop out, I miss you so.

    I love chocolate, but only really dark chocolate, I prefer lidls 74% dark chocolate at under a pound it's a delicious bargain. I like high end drinking chocolate too, the ones where it's more like chocolate soup than a drink. No marshmallows, sprinkles or other fancy nonsense, just the pure beauty of smooth hot chocolate.

  • It's not fair!!! I'm dairy intolerant and can't eat cheese anymore, I love cheese, a cheese and pickle sarnie or a baguette with brie, an oozing toastie, and a cheese board, a cheese shop with so many varieties it makes your eyes pop out, I miss you so.

    I love chocolate, but only really dark chocolate, I prefer lidls 74% dark chocolate at under a pound it's a delicious bargain. I like high end drinking chocolate too, the ones where it's more like chocolate soup than a drink. No marshmallows, sprinkles or other fancy nonsense, just the pure beauty of smooth hot chocolate.
