Employed or self employed

Since being diagnosed with autism my head been whirling about everything especially about employment.   I have had terrible experiences with jobs in the past with only one being a positive experience in employment.  I am currently registered as self-employed with  my freelance writing but I need to get into regular routine again but I feel I need to get a job again as it would give more structure to my day again. I don't know what to do if I should do both self employed and employed so confused as before lockdown I was in university and it gave me structure.  

Really need some advice? 

  • I have always struggled in jobs. 

    I have an easy job now and work from home and my manager is the nicest and most understand person ever... But still I would happily never work again and just make a daily routine out of things I wanna do. 

    I understand society etc how it works but I still hate working and could easily be off forever because it exhausts me on another level every week. Plus I never reset at the end of the week I just continue till one day it's all too much. 

  • I have always struggled in jobs. 

    I have an easy job now and work from home and my manager is the nicest and most understand person ever... But still I would happily never work again and just make a daily routine out of things I wanna do. 

    I understand society etc how it works but I still hate working and could easily be off forever because it exhausts me on another level every week. Plus I never reset at the end of the week I just continue till one day it's all too much. 

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