Employed or self employed

Since being diagnosed with autism my head been whirling about everything especially about employment.   I have had terrible experiences with jobs in the past with only one being a positive experience in employment.  I am currently registered as self-employed with  my freelance writing but I need to get into regular routine again but I feel I need to get a job again as it would give more structure to my day again. I don't know what to do if I should do both self employed and employed so confused as before lockdown I was in university and it gave me structure.  

Really need some advice? 

  • I'm also a freelancer writer as when I left education in 2011 it genuinely felt like the only job I was capable of doing, even though it has nothing to do with my degree. Work has been lacking lately. I'm worried about AI as one of the platforms I work on has already closed down, citing it as the reason. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I think I'm probably unemployable due to how quickly I get burned out by interacting with other people.

  • I'm also a freelancer writer as when I left education in 2011 it genuinely felt like the only job I was capable of doing, even though it has nothing to do with my degree. Work has been lacking lately. I'm worried about AI as one of the platforms I work on has already closed down, citing it as the reason. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I think I'm probably unemployable due to how quickly I get burned out by interacting with other people.

  • I'm worried about AI as one of the platforms I work on has already closed down, citing it as the reason. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

    This is a very relevant point for anyone in IT, and part of the reason I chose to retire out of that field in my mid 50's

    If you look at the advances AI is making across the board then more and more roles that follow a logical flow to them will be swallowed up next.

    My response was to find something that is very difficult for an AI to work out what to do, and chose to move into property renovation (mostly Victorian age stuff) where a combination of over 100 years of repairs / decorating / bodging has to be worked through to get back to the bare bones, then repair and finish the place to a tasteful finish that will appeal to buyers.

    I also love working with my hands so this is also quite invigorating (the demolishing stage) and soothing (the part where you see something created by your own hand).

    That is just my way of responding to the Skynet threat...