Stomach trouble

As an artist I also have many artist friends, many of whom I suspect would fit the diagnostic criteria for ASC.

The majority of those same people experience anxiety & stomach issues (IBS, IBD, etc).

So, this thread asks: Do any of you not get stomach issues every day/week?

...because I suspect this might be an interesting commonality between us all on the spectrum?

Could the difficulties we have to navigate day to day be interrupting our 'gut-brain-axis' and so be an easy to spot sign of an autistic person?

Sounds random now I write it, but I'm curious

  • Thank you for this thread as it's really informative.

    Thank you all for your detailed replies.

    I have eaten just one slice of cheese on toast in the last 24 hours.

    I think I need to go shopping on Monday for some alternative foods.

    Good luck to everyone in their digestive system battle.

  • I'm sorry to hear you are struggling :(. Do you have issues with nausea? Apparently (according to my dietitian) ginger capsules can help for that. I haven't tried in recent times but I do find ginger tea can help a little. 

Reply Children
  • Work can be a nightmare in many ways.

    There was a period in my more recent past where I was working, caring for a mentally and physically ill mother and my sister had terminal cancer.

    I already use Simeticone, thanks.

    I feel like a lot of this is trial and error and highly individual ... There as so many factors that can impact digestion which just makes it so hard to deal with as there is no easy fix as far as I know.

    I agree.

    Take care.

  • yes... it's super hard- I am back to work on Monday and I have no idea how I'll cope- the past days i've never fallen asleep before 2:30 or 3 am because of this... 

    In terms of wind/bloating, you could look into simeticone (which you can get over the counter or in boots). It helped a little for me. I am not qualified to give medical advice though, can only say what I tried... About simeticone - NHS (

    I've been told by my GP to try pepper mind capsules for the IBS but they don't work for me and give me acid reflux... 

    I feel like a lot of this is trial and error and highly individual ... There as so many factors that can impact digestion which just makes it so hard to deal with as there is no easy fix as far as I know.

  • Thank you.  Ditto.

    Sometimes I do get nausea but my most destructive problems (other than the cough) are lack of food motility and bloatedness/wind.

    I just take sickness tablets for the nausea.

    Thanks re the ginger, but ginger is the spawn of the Devil as far as I'm concerned Blush

    As with you, I lose a lot of sleep over these issues, and I already wake every 2 hours or so and have done for many years.

    I'm no longer working though, which is a huge relief.

    It's managing these issues whilst trying to hold down a job or having caring responsibilities (as I did) which is hardest I think.