Moments when you're doubly sure...

...of being autistic.

Just finished a short online meeting, where I didn't have to do much except say one thing for AOB at the end. Thankfully meetings are rare in my job, just every couple of months. But by the end of this thing, I was so tense in my core that I had to lie on my bed for five minutes to relieve the intense pain. Never sure if the online ones are better or worse than in person. Maybe better. I don't have to repress a stim, it's out of frame!

  • I hope you're ok now. 

    I get those feelings of intense pressure, it can be so debilitating and exhausting. Rest was defos a good move.

    At the Nursery today I got in a similar state and had to go early, got home and led down straight away, massive headache has followed.


  • Thanks Luna. I was fine after my lie-down, but when I get like that in the office, reclining isn't an option! So I was glad to get those five horizontal minutes. Yours sounds much worse and I hope you feel better now, or at least soon

  • I'm glad you're ok after a quick lie down - they can do the power of good really fast!

    My power nap has helped, just waiting for the headache to go x

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